This is a Christmas letter my Mom wrote for everyone when my daughter Aimee was born. It is kind of special to me and I thought you all might like to read it.
Well, I have some exciting news! It's been a year full of them. Mandy, my dear sweet, so responsible, second mother to her siblings, and confidant to me through the years is now a mother herself.Amelia Dannielle was born at 10:11 pm on Thursday, December 18th. They will call her Aimee. She was nine pounds, 10.8 ounces and twenty one inches long. A big blessing!
Mandy did very well, labor started about 8:30 that morning, got intense about six pm. She wanted to quit (don't we all?) about 8:30pm, but through the wonderful love and patience of her husband and nurse, she made it through very bravely and wonderfully. 35 minutes of pushing, no epidural, no pain meds to speak of. Joe's ring finger has a permanent scar, and she was worried about my wrists, but no harm done.
Gramma got to be there through the whole thing! Praise the Lord. And what an awesome privilege. Mandy was due the 21st, my school vacation started the nineteenth. We had snow days and no school on Mon, and Tues. Wednesday at the urging of my husband's early morning Bible study group I left for the six hour drive to La Grande. Got there before dark and safely over the slippery gorge, and easily up and over Cabbage Hill between Pendleton and La Grande, which was closed the next two days so Dan was unable to come. We all got a good night's sleep and awoke to her water having possibly broken and so got on our way.
Birth, I've done it four times, (sort of there for one mom's delivery) I've seen it on tv, I've watched horses, dogs, and cats deliver; but nothing, nothing was as special as this. Mandy and Joe were so good to allow me to be involved as much or as little as I wanted. We agreed I would go if they wanted, stay if wanted. I was wanted and welcomed, but I did step back for most of labor and watch my awesome son-in-law coach her through. He was so tender, so sweet, so good. He went way up on my list of favorite son-in laws.
The next two nights we all spent in the hospital. I was too tired to go home and it had been snowing all day and the hospital is on a hill. They made a bed for Joe in her room, and he was out! I made a bed on the floor and Mandy and I just visited and reviewed all night, with touches of sleep here and there. It was very tender and special for us. Joe slept through all the nurses visits, and babies cries, etc. It was a crack up. Next day we all took turns napping, still not much sleep for me and less for Mandy. I again talked to the kids about going to the house for the night and it was agreed that Joe, once out, is of no help, and Mandy wanted me there. (Joe is very good with both Mom and baby, just not easy to get awake, he's been working extra hours, and the fourteen hour labor was a marathon for him - I could see how drained he was after, bless his heart.) Nurses, great, but so busy, and somehow we all wanted to be the ones to care for Aimee, and
Mandy. (She has lots of stitches and much trouble getting in and out of bed, and situating comfortably to nurse.)
So, one more night, this time Joe and I switched beds. The floor was much preferable! I tried to take Aimee out for some long stretches to a rocker in the hall so mom would sleep. But it was still pretty limited for her. Poor thing. I crashed pretty hard too, at times, Mandy cracked up at how all the nurses, doctors, breakfast, etc would come and go and here we were both just snoring away. She said to her it was like some bizarre hotel experience.
I treasure the moments we all four shared together late Friday night visiting freely, as we were bundled in our different beds. I don't think too many mother-in-laws get to have that kind of slumber party experience with their son-in-laws. It was a night to treasure in the heart. God has blessed this little family and I am proud to be a part!
Our prayer and hope is that Dick will get to bring the three kids over on Christmas day to meet their niece. They may pick Dan up on the way. He and the kids can stay at a hotel and Dick and I here. The weather is very unpredictable right now, and Marshall and Mattea need to be back to Portland the 27th for Winter Youth conference. Missy will hopefully stay at Dan's those days, and Dick back to work. Wow, what a man, I have married! He is juggling my kids, the house, the meals, the taxi service, even toting the ex over, and I hear hosting a party with friends from Tadmor staff for Mattea.
Missy has completed her first term at OSU. Loving the dorm life and new friends. Grades not so good, so some learning how to juggle it all is in order. She'll make it. I told her you learn your best lessons from mistakes, and so be thankful she has made them early!
Mattea is a very busy senior. Taking only one necessary class, aides in others, college classes and very busy on the yearbook staff as a senior editor and photographer. She is often at school in the pub room til 9pm. Many friends and lots of social to boot, and some work at Tadmor for weekend groups. Driving that sweet little mustang.
Marshall, a freshman at our Christian school, my sweet boy, growing so tall, so fast suddenly, and becoming a young man of the Lord. So conscientious and helpful. A true friend to all. A good student. Plays drums for youth band. Starting his own car restoration.
Well, I think I just wrote a Christmas newsletter, as well as give a birth announcement. You can't tell that I'm super pumped about being a grandma? Oh, ya, I do have to go back home eventually and leave this sweet little bundle. I have until the fifth off, but I'm sure I'll drag myself away before then. I do miss Dick, and feel bad to leave him with all the stuff dealing with the kids. He never complains. He is great!
I hope and pray your family, and your Christmas are special.
Love Dana