Patient: Amanda Andrews (Mandy)
Patient of: Dr. Shumate
Delivering at: Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital
I know that things change, but unless there is a genuine medical need I would like to stick to this plan as closely as possible. If a change needs to be made it should be discussed with me in full before proceeding.
Labor/delivery coaches: Husband-Joe and Mom-Dana . All other persons should be directed to the waiting room.
Labor/vaginal delivery
- No IV, my doctor has given the ok for a hep lock.
- Limited vaginal exams
- Fluids and light foods by mouth throughout labor
- Free to move, walk, and change positions throughout labor including birthing ball and tub use
- No internal monitoring
- No artificial rupture of membrane
- Wear my contact lenses or glasses throughout labor/delivery
- I do not want to be offered any pain medications. If I want something I will ask.
- Absolutely no pitocin
- NO EPISIOTOMY, I will tear if necessary.
- Would like the perineum supported while pushing to avoid tearing
- Should I tear I would like a local for the repairs
- Allowed to choose the position I deliver in.
- A mirror to view baby's head crowning.
- Do not want coached pushing.
- Baby placed directly on my chest immediately after delivery
- Hold baby during delivery of placenta and all initial exams performed on my chest.
- All exams/bathing in my presence. Baby does not leave our sight. In the case of an emergency her Father must be with her.
In Case of Cesarean:
Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean
- To be fully informed and involved in decision making
- husband present at all times
- A spinal
- Please help me stay calm by explaining what is about to happen and what I am feeling during surgery
- Please help me stay calm by explaining what is about to happen and what I am feeling during surgery
- If she is not in distress she should be put on my chest
- Baby should always be in our sight
- If baby has to be taken away due to an emergency, the Father must be with her
- If baby has to be taken away due to an emergency, the Father must be with her
- Baby laid on my chest right away
- All cleaning and checking to be done in my presence
- Baby is not to leave the room unless in an emergency, if this occurs, her Father must be with her at all times
- No Hep B shot
- Would like to try using a supplemental nursing system
- No Hep B shot
- Would like to try using a supplemental nursing system